Why might you need Environmental Liability Insurance? Consider the possibility of unforeseen and unexpected pollution, gradually building up on your land or seeping into the water table over time.
This could have a massive impact on your business, leaving you with a sizeable bill for the clean-up and potentially additional works to ‘make good’ on the damage done – a process that could take years and by very costly.
Why might you need Environmental Liability Insurance? Consider the possibility of unforeseen and unexpected pollution, gradually building up on your land or seeping into the water table over time.
This could have a massive impact on your business, leaving you with a sizeable bill for the clean-up and potentially additional works to ‘make good’ on the damage done – a process that could take years and by very costly.
Environmental liability insurance (ELI) covers the cost of restoring damage caused by environmental accidents, such as pollution of land, water, air, and biodiversity damage. A Public liability insurance policy will only cover pollution claims caused as the result of a sudden cause and will not cover you for gradually operating causes of pollution in the same way as an ELI policy will. Environmental liability insurance covers the cost of repairing environmental damage arising from both common law claims, and claims arising from UK and EU legislation.
In particular, ELI provides cover you with cover for:
Environmental Liability Insurance covers:
Please contact us if you need any help in this area and one of our account executives will be glad to help you.